Usa needs shortcuts since time is tight
Time is tight for USA. Thus, the need for shortcuts arises in staging the scenario in question. In stage 1, the relations between Turkey and Syria were going so well that the audience expected that the two countries would even abolish the borders between them and
act as if they were one country. But now in stage 2, Erdogan seeks ways of launching a war against Beshar Esad. The United Nations cannot reach any decision against Syria. It is not possible for NATO to converge to some such decision either. Obama cannot convince, let alone the rest of the world, the American public opinion in launching a war against Syria. Thus, it falls upon Erdogan to do it.
In stage 1, the AKP Administration voted against sanctions against Iran in the United Nations. Now they accepted to station the radar system of NATO (better said of USA) of the so-called Missile Shield in Turkey in stage 2. As for Libya, in stage 1, Erdogan said that it is not possible to even think, let alone approving it, that NATO militarily intervenes into Libya. Only two weeks thereafter, in stage 2, he declared that NATO should enter Libya in order to establish that Libya belongs to Libyans.
In 2007, Beshar Esad proposed to the AKP Administration that the three countries - Turkey, Syria and Iran - carry out a joint military operation against PKK in Northern Iraq. This proposal was not accepted by Erdogan and Gil. If Erdogan really wished to contribute to the solution of the Palestinian Question, then a natural way to follow on his part would be to join and help to coordinate the forces that side with the Palestinians. But now the Erdogan Administration is hostile to all the countries and forces that have defended the Palestinian Cause since its inception. But then the natural conclusion this picture leads to is the following: Erdogan's efforts concerning the Palestinian Question are aimed at replacing the forces that have been defending the rights of Palestine on behalf of the US, rather than joining them.
- Уильям Энгдаль
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- Геополитика и выборы 2012 года
- Библиография:
- Альтернатива американскому диктату: в поисках подлинной многополярности Оейед Махмуд Реза Саджади
- Добреньков в. И.
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- Литература:
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- Сетевые образы как фактор современной политики Корженева о. В.
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- XXI веке Кузнечевский в. Д.
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- Практика
- Экономика
- Население
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- Куда двигаться дальше
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- Токмакова м. В.
- Turkey's position in the struggle for a multipolar world Dr. Semih Koray
- A multipolar world requires the initiative of the Developing World
- Turkey during the last decade
- An ideal Islamic partner country for usa
- Usa needs shortcuts since time is tight
- Common threats can be countered by common struggles
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- Cultural and Political Influences in the Balkans
- Consequences
- Balkans
- Which direction to take today?
- Works Cited
- New global actors for a multipolar world Daniele Lazzeri
- To build a real eurasia: few juridical ideas Marius Vacarelu
- Conclusion
- Multipolarism and new regimes in the mediterranean area more everything becomes useless Ermanno Visintainer
- Левиафан Выпуск 3